
How to care for a wooden house correctly

Stages of preventive measures behind a wooden house

For example, if the facade treated with tinting impregnations faded and lost its former brightness, cover it with new colors, and he will again gain lost beauty.

 A more difficult task is to get rid of the effects of the fungus and the associated blackness. For measures taken to be effective, you will have to polish the affected area to the “healthy” layer, and then cover it with special impregnation or protective paint.

If you update the facade every 5-7 years, you will provide your home with a presentable and well-groomed look for a long time. If he is more than a dozen years old, competent and timely technical solutions will help to overcome the most difficult tasks, including replacing the rotten crowns. But you should not scare the complexity and duration of the process. You can always invite specialists to the rescue.