When choosing a chandelier, it is important to remember the height of the ceiling. There is another formula for this: divide the distance from the floor to the ceiling by 6.
For example, the height of the room is 2.5 meters. Dividing this value by 6, we get 0.41 m or 41 cm. This should be the approximate height of the lighting fixture.
For rooms with higher ceilings, it is worth giving preference to large chandeliers to evenly illuminate the entire area. If the room is rectangular, it would be logical to install two small fixtures or complement them with several laconic sconces.
For low ceilings, a ceiling lamp with a large scattering angle and minimal height is suitable. A good option is the “saucer” shape.
In a square room, the light is distributed evenly in each corner. Rectangular rooms are more difficult to illuminate and require a more powerful lamp or the installation of additional light sources. Floor lamps, sconces or table lamps are often chosen for this role. They can not only additionally illuminate shaded areas of space, but also set accents and support the chosen style.