
Daily renting apartments as an alternative to hotels

What is better: rent an apartment for a day or rent a hotel

The global financial crisis was also affected by real estate. And not only in terms of purchase and sale of housing, but also in the lease, including the short-term.

Due to a sharp reduction in domestic tourism, many large companies engaged in the hotel business abandoned the plans for the construction of cheap hotels.

However, the need for high -quality and affordable housing is still quite large. Many people want to rent an apartment in Rostov-on-Don up to 1,500 rubles. Given the high cost of hotel rooms, the demand for cheap daily apartments is constantly growing.

The main changes in the short -term lease market are not so much associated with an increase in the number of apartments themselves, but with the improvement of their quality. To increase the cost of rent, make major repairs and update furniture, household appliances.