When choosing a chair, you should start by choosing its type. There are only four of them (office operator models with a low back and models in the highest price category are not considered in the article).
Ergonomic chairs are a development of the 21st century. They are designed specifically for long-term work at the computer, over 6 hours a day. A distinctive feature is the anatomical shape of the seat, with a high back and a mandatory lumbar protrusion (concave back). They support the spine in a natural position and allow you to take a comfortable position in the chair.
Orthopedic chairs differ from ergonomic ones by shifting the load on the muscles when changing the position of the body tilt.
Soft chairs can also be considered as a separate type.
Gaming chairs are a kind of universal option. The seat, as a rule, is moderately elastic, and the back support is either not pronounced, or is carried out by a pillow that can be adjusted or removed completely.